Monday, June 3, 2013

I cried a good cry

In Mississippi good and great are used interchangeably with a lot and big. When I say I cried a good cry I cried a lot this morning giving my loved ones hugs and kisses. Saying final good-byes are hard. I am sure that I will see them again, but they won't see the same Brittney Lewis when I return. This trip is a gift from God and what he has set for me no man can take away from me. I was 5 minutes late to check my bags under the plane and TSA wouldn't allow me to board the plane.  Beyond the ugly attitude of the United Airlines agent, that flight just wasn't for me. But here I am in the terminal and I am leaving starting a new chapter in my life. I am so blessed to be loved by so many people. I have a support system like no other and I promise not to let you down. I love you all and although I won't be the same Brittney when I come back. I'll change a "Great Deal" for the better!